Friday, 11 October 2013


"The first responsibility of a leader is to define reality. The last is to say thank you. In between, the leader is a servant." 
—Max DePree

Thursday, 10 October 2013


This is by no means a new thing phenomenon: the Bible says "there’s nothing new under the sun". There are several examples scattered throughout history; from Caeser and Brutus to Jesus and Judas, history as the cliche goes seems to repeat itself. Which begs the question: Why is it that even when we’ve been forewarned, advised, chastised even gotten our fingers burnt a couple of times or in most cases, one time too many? Why do we still walk along to the chopping block, seemingly blind and deaf to all the signs and warnings, walking on to take the plunge to our downfall, like lamb to the slaughter? Why?

It’s never a good feeling having someone we hold in high regard, care about or love disappoint us. It truly hurts when a friend turns to foe, the pain felt is like hot steel piercing our chest, the resulting scar we bear for years and years. Often times, we react by shutting out everyone, retreating to a lonely cave. Once there, we sink to the depths of the earth, totally in doldrums, feeling defeated, we embrace despair. From this point it’s virtually impossible to see any silver lining not to talk of the sky. 

Sadly, in an average person’s lifetime, it’ll probably happen more often than we’d care to count.
So, have you had such an experience and what were the lessons learnt? Drop your comments and reactions. Meanwhile, I smell a sequel, lol.

Wednesday, 9 October 2013


Here's an idea I had some nights ago. What if...? Again my Shakespeare/Aristotle  leanings coming to the fore. Our imagination is limitless. Dare to dream.

When rain rises and steam falls.
When the sky is earth and the earth sky
With blue sands and big black seas
When pain is pleasure and pleasure is pain

Life is death and death is life
To be born as adults and die as children
Where night is day and day is night
Where the compass points south and birds migrate north during winter
Where snow is black and coal be white
To see in the dark and be blind in the light

Lets go up to the valleys and down to the hills
Let the ground rise and fall like the tides of seas
Lets walk on water but swim in the sands
And like the world believed in the time of Galileo...
...let the earth be flat and the rest of the universe too.

Tuesday, 8 October 2013


Hello dear readers, I decided to give my blog a fresh new look. New interactive features have been added that's meant to give a much better user/reader experience.

Please let me know what you think, would appreciate the feedback. Drop your comments and share with friends.



Isaac Newton
"We build too many walls and not enough bridges"
-Sir Isaac Newton

Monday, 7 October 2013


“Good things come to those who wait but only what is left behind by those who hustle.”

- Excerpts from "Millionaire Upgrade"

Friday, 4 October 2013


Woke up to the sound of my phone-ringing…RING! RING!! RING!! 
Okay, my phone doesn’t actually sound like that but you get the drift. Low and behold, it was a customer! Huh? Why so early? It wasn’t even 6am. I was caught between two emotions, upset that I got dragged out of a dreamy sleep and excited by the prospect of new business. So I picked up the call and tried to sound as awake as possible, it didn’t quite come off though as the customer’s next words were “sorry for waking you up”.

So began my day…the call turned out to be a harbinger of good tidings, needless to say the first of many throughout the course of the day.


Thomas Jefferson
“The purpose of government is to enable the people of a nation to live in safety and happiness. Government exists for the interests of the governed, not for the governors.”
― Thomas Jefferson