Here's an idea I had some nights ago. What if...? Again my Shakespeare/Aristotle leanings coming to the fore. Our imagination is limitless. Dare to dream.
When rain rises and steam falls.
When the sky is earth and the earth sky
With blue sands and big black seas
When pain is pleasure and pleasure is pain
Life is death and death is life
To be born as adults and die as children
Where night is day and day is night
Where the compass points south and birds migrate north during winter
Where snow is black and coal be white
To see in the dark and be blind in the light
Lets go up to the valleys and down to the hills
Let the ground rise and fall like the tides of seas
Lets walk on water but swim in the sands
And like the world believed in the time of Galileo...
...let the earth be flat and the rest of the universe too.
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