Dear diary....Whew! Finally got that out of the way. I had been staring at the blank page for several minutes, clueless about how to begin. "Dear diary" just popped up and considering I haven't opened a diary this year, I think it's an appropriate opening. Don't you agree?
I have kept diaries in the past, though irregularly, no small feat for someone like me. I found it easy to keep a diary when I had a routine. A typical day will go something like this; wake up at 6am, get ready for work, sometimes have breakfast, work till evening, back home by 7pm, dinner, watch some TV, prepare for the next day, write in my diary, AOB and I'm in bed by midnight. Now, those were times when I had a fairly regular schedule and it was easy to maintain a set of duties, even such things as daily writing in my diary.
I must confess there were times when I missed a day or two and on occasions missed a whole week or so but those were few and far between. They were such times when I had huge demand on my time and had to work late nights due for one reason or the other.
Anyway, back to the present. As it turns out I didn't keep a diary this year, so I came up with this idea, to keep one for a short period, the days leading to Christmas, starting today. To make it fun and keep me committed to it, I am putting it up on my blog. I'll be taking pictures when I can and maybe even video. You are welcome to join in, comment and share how you are spending your Days to Christmas.
Merry Christmas.
@muyiwaalesh on twitter